Exchange nameBinance
Volume (24 hours) €0.000000
288,580.54 BTC
Support for coins170
Trading pairs550
Alexa Rank1483
Top CountryIndia
Binance exchange: 24-hour exchanges of trading volume is € 0.000000 (288,580.54 BTC) This exchange supports 170 crypto currencies and 550 market trading pairs. According to Alexa website traffic analysis this exchange has 1483 ranks in the world. This is most popular in India with an Alexa rank of 1085

Binance is one of the largest Exchange in the world, currently the 2 number.
It is classified as a trading platform as it is not possible to buy cryptocurrencies with a credit card or bank transfer, it is only possible to deposit cryptocurrencies to carry out exchange operations.

The stop-loss and stop limit function for buy and sell operations is very interesting

# Currency Pair Price Volume (24 hours) updated