GateHub suffered a hacker attack, this has seen well compromised 100 XRP wallets Ledger. The attack was announced by the company yesterday June 6, when a preliminary statement was made by the company.
Inside the announcement, the company reveals that some of the customers have reported the theft of their wallet funds, after which the situation has started to be ascertained, and GateHube has seen that the hackers had compromised ben 100 wallet.
Once the investigation started, the company was in fact able to discover a abnormal number of API calls which came from a limited number of IP addresses. So hackers are thought to have managed to gain access to the encrypted private keys, exploiting the API vulnerability.
Thomas Silkjær one of the community members chose to publish a hack report. This allowed him to detect that “We had been informed of a theft of 201 thousand XRP, and for this reason we started the investigation immediately. So we could find out that the stolen account was managed precisely through, and this had been able to steal substantial amounts from several XRP accounts always managed by ".
During the attack on June 5, the theft was about $ 9,5 million, so approximately 23.200.000 XRPs were robbed by hackers (see quotation xrp Ripple), which involved at least 90 victims.
At the moment, however, the investigations initiated by GateHub have not yet come to an end, for this reason no official statement has been published on the situation.
The attack on GateHub it is not the only one to have been found in the sector cryptocurrency. In fact, as reported at the beginning of June, 64% of the cash out strategies carried out by ransomware attacks are induced by the blockchain intelligence company Chainalysis for the laundering of funds through cryptocurrency exchanges.