TrueChain (TRUE) current price is $0.00000000 with a marketcap of $0. Its price is 14.40% su in last 24 hours.

  • cmc currency details - truechain
    ТруеЦхаин (ТРУЕ)
  • Ливе прице
  • КСНУМКС сати
  • Маркет Цап
  • Запремина
  • Снабдевање доступно
  • ранго


TrueChain is a truly fast, permissionless, secure and scalable public blockchain platform which is supported by hybrid consensus technology called Minerva and a global developer community. TrueChain uses hybrid consensus combining PBFT and fPoW to solve the biggest problem confronting public blockchain: the contradiction between decentralization and efficiency. TrueChain uses PBFT as fast-chain to process transactions, and leave the oversight and election of PBFT to the hands of PoW nodes. Besides, TrueChain integrates fruitchain technology into the traditional PoW protocol to become fPoW, to make the chain even more decentralized and fair. TrueChain also creates a hybrid consensus incentive model and a stable gas fee mechanism to lower the cost for the developers and operators of DApps, and provide better infrastructure for decentralized eco-system.

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У којој размени Truechain

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# Размена Пар Цена Запремина (24 сата) ажуриран

Графикон и прогноза у реалном времену Truechain


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Калкулатор и претварач у евре Truechain

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10 TrueChain (TRUE)


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