Amazon hires 100.000 workers across the US and Canada to deal with the wave of blocked purchases

Amazon hires 100.000 US-Canada workers to deal with the wave of blocked shopping - Amazon hires 100.000 U.S.-Canada workers 1024x614Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZ) stepped up its hiring run this week, saying it would recruit 100.000 more workers to meet the growing demand for online shopping, which increased during the pandemic.

New recruits could receive login bonuses of up to $ 1.000

The world's largest online retailer, operated by Jeff Bezos, said the new positions are for full-time and part-time jobs in the United States and Canada and include roles in 100 parcel sorting centers and other facilities that will open in September.

New hires are offered a starting salary of at least $ 15 per hour and a login bonus of up to $ 1.000. The news marks Amazon's fourth wave of US hiring this year and anticipates what is expected to be one of the busiest shipping periods ever.

United Parcel Service (UPS) said last week that it plans to add more than 100.000 more workers to help manage the rise in orders during the upcoming holiday seasons.

Amazon shares growing

"This month alone, we are opening 100 buildings in new sorting and distribution centers, delivery stations and other sites," said Dave Clark, senior vice president of global operations at Amazon.

Le Amazon shares have increased nearly 70% since early 2020 to date, according to FactSet, as hundreds of millions of people were stranded at home during the pandemic, and turned to the delivery giant for necessities like consumer goods, clothing. or entertainment.

The rise in Amazon's share price meant that 56-year-old Bezos, already the richest man in the world, saw his personal fortune rise above the $ 200 billion mark on August 26 after a strong stock rally. US technology. According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Bezos became the first private individual to cross the $ 200 billion mark.

One of the world's largest private sector employers

Since 2010, Amazon has created more than 600.000 jobs in the United States, both at corporate headquarters and operating sites, and has invested more than $ 350 billion in more than 40 states, including infrastructure and salaries.

This makes the Seattle-based group one of the world's largest private sector employers. The tech giant also said last week that it would add 7.000 permanent jobs to its UK workforce by the end of 2020, bringing its total UK workforce to over 40.000.

Clark said Amazon's expansion comes with an "unwavering commitment" to security. “Collectively, our new team members have already completed more than 1.200.000 hours of safety training, with over 500.000 more hours expected, to ensure that, in addition to fast and efficient deliveries for our customers, we are providing an environment safe and modern for our employees and partners, ”he said.