Cryptocurrencies, over 1 billion dollars stolen in the 2018

Cryptocurrencies, over $ 1 billion stolen in 2018. New data on cryptocurrency thefts in the year.

Cryptocurrency, more than 1 billion dollars stolen in the 2018 - bitcoin cryptocurrency security 1024x668

According to the intelligence company report ciphertra by, in the third quarter of the 2018, i cryptocurrency thefts had already reached $ 927 million, underlining how the attacks on wallet e exchange represent a major problem, which is evolving further than the results of the second quarter.

In the second quarter report of ciphertra byIn fact, the company found that more thefts had occurred in the first half of 2018 than in 2017, with approximately 731 million dollars of cryptocurrency stolen from the exchanges, with some particularly important hacks, including that of the Japanese exchange Coincheck for 530 million dollars, and that to BitGrail which sold about 195 million dollars tokens.

As for the third quarter report, the number now rises to $ 927 million, with a trend that should continue for CipherTrace, so that the thefts will exceed $ 1 billion by the end of the year.

In fact, the report states that the data released does not take into account about 50 million dollars stolen in phishing attempts by CoinHoarder and of other 60 million dollars of cryptocurrency, stolen but not yet made public.

As a partial surprise, it emerged that the United States is one of the countries most vulnerable to cryptocurrency theft, with 56% of all attacks taking place right here.