Dash starts a collaboration with BlockchainIntel to comply with exchange regulations

Dash starts a collaboration with BlockchainIntel to comply with exchange-Dash regulations

The cryptocurrency Dash (see Dash quotation ) has just announced that it will launch a new partnership with BlockchainIntel to be able to improve compliance through the main regulatory requirements exchange

Thanks to this partnership will be possible for cryptocurrency arrive in the lists of the new exchange platforms, mainly on those that have among their rules the need to provide the authorities with information on the use made by users at any time. 

BlockchainIntel is able to help Dash on this front, as this operates as a provider for monitoring the various transactions and also helps the exchanges in order to increase and improve trust between community members, thanks to compliance with various regulations. 

This provider has a lot of experience with regulators, financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, for this reason it is able to provide a fully automated monitoring system that allows identifying activities such as fraud and money laundering. In addition, his experience allows him to also collaborate with law enforcement from all over the world, including an ongoing collaboration with the FBI to be able to identify criminal activities quickly. 


The BlockchainIntel service it basically consists of processing a risk score for each blockchain address that it monitors and communicating it through APIs. The score processed is based on various data such as: the geographical location, any events related to fraud, ransomware, gambling link, token theft, evaluation of the company and exchanges.

Thanks to this system and to API generated by BlockchainIntel it is possible to monitor different transactions, always identifying them regularly and in real time. In addition, the provider also provides reports for compliance. Thanks to this system, exchanges are able to have an automated system that allows them to store data, in case they have to give them to the police when there is a report of suspicious activity. 

The CEO of Dash Core Group stated that: we are very committed to support access to various exchanges to all our users, for this reason we have decided to rely on BlockchainIntel which allows us to fully respect the new requirements in the field of reporting, and for prevent fraud and money laundering