The best and worst cryptocurrencies of the 2019

What are the best cryptocurrencies e worse than the 2019? After a 2018 marked by a downward trend, there has been an improvement in the digital assets market which have marked better prices than in the past months, pushing traders to invest more and more.

The drop in the trend marked in 2018 was such as to push experts to name this vintage crypto winter, just to underline the "freezes" that have occurred.

Although 2019 has not yet come to an end, more than seven months have already passed and we can already draw some considerations on the best and worst cryptocurrencies of the first half of 2019.

So let's find out how it went so far!

The best and worst cryptocurrencies of the 2019 - cryptocurrency trend

Cryptocurrency Focus: Let's take stock of the first 7 months of the 2019!

It must be said that the ski it covered almost all the cryptocurrencies that marked a really exciting bullish trend.

As always, some currencies have performed better, while others have not taken part in this positive trend.

The rise was still very important, in fact many cryptocurrencies have gained between 350% and 500%: best of all is the BNB Faucet (Binance Coin) with a rise that exceeded the 500%. Ditto for the Chainlink listing, which touched on a gain of 510%, Ravencoin (RVN 379%), Ignis (IGNIS 357%) e Litecoin listing (LTC 345%).

It should also be noted that this rise did not lead to a historic high, in fact Litecoin despite the sustained rise of 345%, still does not even remotely equal the historical maximum, for which a further increase of 60% would be needed.

In 24th place as best gainer there is Bitcoin Cash, which since the year has registered an increase of Present in several = 158% confirming the success of this coin.

What are the worst 2019 cryptocurrencies?

Equally interesting is the analysis of worst cryptocurrencies the first half of 2019; for example Counterparty it is the worst of the year, with a drop of 77% and does not seem to want to improve in the second half of 2019.

Bad too Dentacoin, that differs slightly from the worst in the rankings, with a decrease of 77%, but there are also some very well known crypts that are undergoing this phase of strong crisis from which they do not seem to want to recover, and they are: Waves, private Bitcoin Electroneum, Stratis, Pivx and Spankchain.

2019 cryptocurrency trend: what can we expect?

The sharp leap forward marked by cryptocurrency quotes in 2019 has not yet been well explained by experts.

Some attribute it to the interest that the institutions are presenting towards this particular type of currency, others believe that the whole is attributable to the monetary crisis suffered by many European countries.

In any case, regardless of the real reason, this positive trend has pushed many enthusiasts to invest, with money traffic between 40 and 100 billions of dollars in the last two months.