SingularityNET decided to ditch Ethereum for Cardano citing speed and cost issues

SingularityNET decided to abandon Ethereum for Cardano citing speed and cost issues - SingularityNET cardano 1024x576SingularityNET, the artificial intelligence company behind the expressive robot Sophia, is "seriously discussing" a migration from Ethereum to Cardano. quotations in real time), after announcing a collaboration with IOHK. IOHK is managed by Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson and leads the development of the blockchain platform.

SingularityNET is a full-stack AI platform that allows anyone to build, share and monetize AI services at scale. The potential move to Ethereum is being driven by speed and cost concerns that have been severely impacted by demand from DeFi platforms lately, with the cost of gas peaking as high as $ 17 per transaction. The team also has doubts about the viability of Ethereum 2, which has been in development for the past few years but is still far from being a practical solution.

“The current speed and cost issues of the Ethereum blockchain have increased the urgency to explore alternatives behind the SingluarityNET blockchain,” said Dr. Ben Goertzel, CEO and founder of the SingularityNET Foundation. He said the partnership will help drive Caradano's development and increase SingularityNET-based services.

Changes in sight

If SingularityNET went ahead with the plan, it would change its native AGI token from ERC20 to Cardano and completely abandon the Solidity programming language in favor of Plutus to create smart contracts. Dr. Goertzel grasped Solidity's shortcomings by saying:

"Being a complete Turing language with no simple dedicated mechanisms for creating more limited domain specific languages ​​(DSLs), Solidity presents significant challenges to formal program verification and analysis methods that are critical to Internet security and security. of today".

Dr. Goertzel believes the future is multi-chain, so there's a good chance the team won't completely move away from Ethereum. In an interview with Charles Hoskinson of IOHK, he said that being a decentralized project it was up to the community and the market to decide:

“If the Cardano portion works much, much better… then everything should migrate there,” he said. "If it turns out that the Ethereum portion is more useful for some purposes, the Cardano portion is useful for some purposes, then so be it, right?"

Where the future leads

SingularityNET has a great vision for the future, with one of the important aspects in something called Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) - a hypothetical artificial intelligence that has the ability to understand or learn any intellectual task a human being can.

The network aims to create an ecosystem in which a variety of different AIs can collaborate and outsource tasks to other AIs. For Dr. Goertzel, AI diversification and decentralization are very important as most AI projects are owned by large technology companies.

SingularityNET claims to be the first platform to allow multiple AI's to communicate with each other and share data while connecting developers and users. The company is also behind the most sophisticated and expressive robot to date, Sophia, and has applied for citizenship for the robot to the Maltese government.