Start9 Labs launches a private home server

Start9 Labs launches a private home server - decentralized web 1A Colorado company claims to be able to make the decentralized web more accessible thanks to a very simple server, which can be installed directly in users' homes.

A plan to make the decentralized web more accessible and popular

The Embassy server of Start9 Labs, hosted in a Raspberry Pi, creates a real private Internet network and comes with its own operating system, as well as an expanding range of services such as bitcoin transactions - here the quotation in real time -, messaging and password management that eliminates intermediaries and uses the Tor network to communicate. Generally, people use the Tor network because it makes it incredibly difficult to track a user's Internet activity, encrypting it several times and hiding the location of the user himself.

But Tor can be difficult to use for non-tech savvy. That's why Start9 Labs bets on Embassy's simplified operating system, Ambassador, which manages server installation, owner authentication, network and installation, configuration and publication of decentralized apps, to make the web decentralized more accessible and popular.

With Ambassador, large technology companies will not have access to user data

Start9 Labs is not based on Web 2.0, but rather hijacks this infrastructure so that people can manage their private networks. Building a new Internet from scratch requires a physical hardware device in every single home, said Hill.

The Embassy server is a first step in that direction. If all this seems abstract and disconnected from reality, think of the recent security law that China has imposed on Hong Kong, essentially criminalizing some forms of thought, expression and word, in response. the democratic protests that raged last year.

Google, Twitter and Facebook stopped responding to requests for user data from Hong Kong law enforcement authorities while drafting the law. Still, these companies still check huge amounts of user data. The Embassy server and the services integrated with it do not allow these companies to access data.

We are building this company and this product in such a way that it cannot be censored.

“We are building this company and this product in such a way that it cannot actually be censored, cannot be sued for any reason,” Hill said. He presents his kit as a simple and ready solution for accessing a private home network.

Privacy-focused technology is often more difficult to understand and use than conventional technology. The Embassy server currently costs $ 200, but Start9 Labs will release the specs online, so anyone can build it. The software is all open source and anyone can create apps to add to it.

The goal, Hill said, is to create technology that can survive even after the company closes. “We are a company, so it could be closed forcibly.

But the technology that was developed could continue to live as if nothing had happened. It is an open source software running on consumer hardware. How do you stop it? ”He added.