Tron's new Sun Network V 1.0 has been released to allow unlimited scalability

Tron Foundation announced the release of the new one Sun Network V 1.0, a solution for scaling the Tron network. Through a tweet, Justin Sun explained in detail what the release goals are.

Sun Network V 1.0: the news on the official release

The founder of TRON, Justin Sun, has announced the release of the first version of Sun Network V 1.0. According to Sun, this is one of TRON's 100X scalability solutions.

Sun Network V 1.0 will expand Tron's mainnet capacity and also incorporate several projects such as DApp Chain, side-chain smart contracts and cross-chain communications.

However, its launch did not have a decisive impact on the price of the token. At the time of writing this post, TRX grew up in the 0,33%, settling at $0.02052 (0,018 €). (you see TRON quotation in real time)

According to the official announcement, Sun Network V 1.0 is a solution created to increase the capacity of TRON Main Net, with the integration of a sequence of projects such as DAppChain, a side chain of applications optimized for smart contract, cross-chain communications, etc.

Among these projects, DAppChain presents itself as a project created to provide unlimited scaling capacity for TRON MainNet, allowing to operate with a lower energy expenditure, better safety and efficiency.

Sun Network V 1.0: advantages

Compared to some other solutions, Sun Network V 1.0:

  • strengthens smart contract transactions, paying particular attention to improving the TPS of smart contract transactions on MainNet
  • significantly reduces the transaction fees.

The Sun Network V 1.0 solution will provide one unlimited scalability to TRON MainNet and, consequently, will guarantee greater possibilities of the TRON DApps project and the development of the entire ecosystem.

This release will have a positive influence on the industry blockchain and on the TRON network.

The same founder and CEO of TRON Justin Sun said that over time many projects have made great strides.

"We launched TVM in October 2018. In just 7 months, nearly 500 quality DApps are running on the TRON network."He stressed Justin Sun.

The total number of TRON accounts has grown to 3 million and a total of 410 million secure transactions have been made since the launch of MainNet.

The TRON Foundation has created a pattern in Dapp games and, despite its success with competitors such as ETH, continues to improve its ecosystem by continually creating added value.

Sun also specified that Tron plans to develop a DAppChain: its implementation would be useful to optimize the functionality of Dapps by minimizing energy consumption. As a result, high efficiency and safety would be guaranteed.