An ID Blockchain solution aims to counteract the spike in delivery fraud that occurred during the coronavirus pandemic

An ID Blockchain solution aims to counteract the spike in delivery fraud that occurred during the coronavirus pandemic - payment hub newNuggets, an identification and digital payments platform, has developed a way to accept deliveries without the need for a physical signature, as a reaction to the spike in fraud and chargebacks that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A way to make safe deliveries while maintaining social distancing

Using biometric-verified contact-protected delivery technology with blockchain technology, the London-based company aims to provide consumers with the means for a viable identification test while maintaining the social distances required by coronavirus measures. .

Nuggests says the contactless signature system would help counteract the increase in delivery fraud and chargeback requests recorded during the pandemic. Since customers no longer have to sign up for deliveries to keep their distance, fraudulent chargebacks are skyrocketing.

Citing UK data, Nuggets also said that unsuccessful deliveries cost shipping companies up to £ 1,6 billion ($ 2 billion). "Traders are so stressed out by increased orders, personnel problems and supply chain evasion issues, which the need to challenge chargebacks ends up at the bottom of the list, ”said Nuggets CEO and co-founder Alastair Johnson.

How it works

During a delivery, the courier would use an app to scan the recipient's digital ID (issued by Nuggets) to verify that it is actually the customer who ordered the items.If the customer is successfully identified, the package is delivered and a proof of delivery is immediately sent to the company from which the purchase was made.

Nuggets said that the system "ensures the verified delivery of a package to the right recipient", while the use of a blockchain allows for the secure communication of biometric and payment information from customers.

The pandemic pushed the volume of e-commerce ... and also the costs

E-commerce has seen a huge boost in recent months, largely due to forced quarantine and orders not to leave the house issued during the pandemic. The global courier DHL "reported volume growth of more than 36% in the national volume and 28% of the cross-border volume compared to the daily averages recorded in February," reported an Aircargo News sector publication on May 14.

"The combination of astronomical costs facing our e-commerce businesses, from fraudulent chargebacks to failed deliveries, with fake user reviews, could really be spared if the Nuggets project was integrated," Johnson said.

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