Amazon does not work in cryptocurrency: truth or tactics?

Amazon doesn't work in cryptocurrency: truth or tactic? - amazon

Amazon has no plans to launch its cryptocurrency at the moment. (see article on Amazon and blockchain) Is this really so? Or is it a tactic to mislead those who instead believe that Jeff Bezos' company, in addition to working on the blockchain, is working hard also in this sector?

For the moment it is too early to say, but one thing is certain: the recent statements by Patrick Gaulthier, vice president of Amazon Pay, according to which a "speculative" project like that of Libra, of Facebook, is not currently under study, have not convinced many operators of the complete lack of interest of the US company in the world of payments in digital currency.

Amazon and the token

On the other hand, Amazon could be the most fertile ground for the launch of its own token. Being a company operating (also and above all) in e-commerce, its digital currency could naturally be designed to be able to better convey monetary transactions within its ecosystem or in that of its numerous partners.

However, given that often we only think in terms of indiscretions, for the moment we can only focus on reality. And the reality speaks of the fact that Gaulthier has turned off any kind of rumor in this sense, coming to define the attitude of Facebook Libra, and remembering how there is no intention to speculatively approach the world blockchain + cryptocurrency.

Speaking of Facebook, the project of the new currency of the Zuckerberg group does not seem to be pleasing to lawmakers across the world, with those from the United States who have asked to suspend the plans, and those from Russia who have already anticipated a clear contrast to any hypothesis of use ... who will win?