Facebook, progress and many doubts about the use of one's own stable coin

Facebook, steps forward and many doubts about the use of one's own stable coin. Doubts and worries are growing about Zuckerberg's new cryptocurrency plans.

Facebook, progress and many doubts about the use of its own stable coin - facebook

Even in the last few days it has come back over and over to talk about the fact that Facebook is moving decisively in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, with the aim of creating some type of asset stable coin Facebook that can allow users of its gigantic network to transfer value to each other. It is not yet known, CNN recalled a few days ago, the reason why Facebook does not simply use one criptovaluta existing.

Facebook cryptocurrency: what's the use?

While waiting to find out more, we can only proceed with mere speculation. For example, it is possible to assume that being able to draw on such a wide range of users, Facebook wants to allocate its asset towards a system that has multiple real utilities.

We can expect the same, however, also for Telegram, which has decided to build a blockchain from scratch rather than relying on the existing ones, among the most reliable.

Having clarified this, numerous points of discussion remain open. For example, if the cryptocurrency is issued by Facebook, at its discretion, without a real decentralized governance, can it actually qualify as a real cryptocurrency?

It appears evident, even from the unanswered questions that we advanced a little while ago, that Facebook's encryption plans (see the skepticism about Facebook Cryptocurrency ) are not yet clear and advanced enough to provide consistent feedback. However, one thing seems to be certain: the blockchain can be used for anything.

Assumption on Facebook 

  • It can be used to increase personal freedom - or to take it away.
  • It can be used to store value
  • monitor and manage supply chains
  • allow you to vote securely.

Speaking of usefulness, in recent days Zuckerberg has intervened asking governments for more interventions on respect for data and privacy.

And it is precisely here that the most burning aspect stands out: if Facebook issues its own tokens, it will be able to manage information elements such as, for example, how long the token was held, to whom it was sold, for what has it been used, and so on?