Binance announces US Binance for US traders

Fresh air for Binance US? THE'Exchange Binance it is being updated and cannot be used by American traders, but guarantees that towards the 12 September 2019 you can use the platform again.

Just be patient to be able to go back to trading. Therefore, there is no need to be alarmed regarding the account and the withdrawal of funds.

Despite this "transitory" change, the Exchange is experiencing a very positive use by users and online traders.

This update, however, is proving to be a real obstacle, which is causing a general depreciation in the price of cryptocurrencies.

The CEO of Binance CZ has announced that he has updated the terms and conditions of use of Binance.

- verified American users (KYC) they will no longer be able to trade on the Exchange from the next 12 September, even using one VPN.

For all other customers that are not verified, it will be possible to circumvent this limitation by using a VPN. In this case, daily withdrawals will be limited to two Bitcoins. how does it work? you see is one of the best Exchange that allows you to buy Bitcoins, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, and many other digital currencies to hold in your Crypto Portfolio.

Binance is "the exchange with the world's largest cryptocurrency trading volume", points out Bloomberg, "it has an excellent reputation, it is user-friendly and very secure, with an easy-to-use interface even for those in its early stages".

Among the main advantages we must not forget that i transaction costs on the Exchange (see fee exchange) they are really a lot meager and palatable.

La registration è Delivery to Italy takes one or two business days and verification of identity documents is not required for the basic level. Binance only charges 0,1% on the value of exchange transactions and does not charge anything for new deposits made with cryptocurrencies on the platform.  

Once you have registered on Binance, you can keep the account open without moving and there will be no expense to support.

For safety and full use of the platform, it is necessary to carry out authentication via 2 factors.

This is the link to sign up for Binance

For the mobile trader who prefer to connect from their device, it is necessary to open theGoogle Authentication app and click on the red button in the lower right corner (for Android).

Once this step has been performed, you can use the smartphone by entering the code provided or reading the barcode.